Senior Project Leader

Mahito Hori

With the proliferation of the Internet, we are given the illusion that we can get any information about anything anywhere in the world. In reality, however, we cannot even picture a place just a few kilometers away, let alone other communities in our own country where differences in details certainly exist in the ways people speak and live their lives. We live in an environment full of cultural and biological diversity. Landscape design is about carefully interpreting the geographical and historical background of the project site to create a new microcosm. I try to leave extra space for growth and aging for the elements that will mature and transform over time.


Graduated from Department of Architecture, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Completed the Master’s Program at Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
1988 – 1990
Studied at Faculty of Architecture, University of Rome under Italian government scholarship program
Completed the Doctoral Program without degree at Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University


Won the grand prize at the 5th International Winter City Biennial Competition
Won the 3rd place at the Kingdom Trading Center Competition, Saudi Arabia
Won the grand prize at the 2000 Italian Cultural Institute Competition
Won the 2nd place at the Gunma Prefecture Tsutsujigaoka Park Japanese Garden Zone Competition
Won BSC Award of the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors (Lalique Museum Hakone)